Frequently Asked questions at vyvanseshop.com

If your questions are not answered here Please contact us @ +1-760-279-3971

What are the delivery charges for orders from VYVANSE SHOP?

We are the fastest and cheapest which ranges from $40 overnight in the USA and Canada and $30 2 to 3 days and worldwide.

Which payment methods are accepted in VYVANSE SHOP?

We accept Paypal, Bitcoin and Zelle , also we accept credit card options coming soon.

How long will delivery take?

Overnight and 24 hours within the USA and Canada and 3 to 4 days  worldwide.

Do I receive an invoice for my order?

Yes, when you place an order we send you an email with instructions which are to be followed without errors to avoid slowing down the process after effecting payment send us a screenshot as an attachment via email so we can proceed with registration and packaging.